Digital Marketing for Automative Services

Digital Marketing helps to enhance online reputation management. A recent study suggests 84% of customers buy automobiles on recommendation and online reviews, rather than by personal choice. Our Gegosoft expert teams help you promote and improve your business in the digital World.

Growth & Trends of Digital Marketing for Automotive Industry

The industry currently has growth such as social media ads, virtual showrooms on mobile devices, and video advertising on online platforms. The automobile industry has already ventured into the digital. Various domains of the automobile industry such as safety engineering, sophisticated manufacturing, automobile purchasing, and maintenance are experiencing the dawn of digitization. As a result, we will see new innovations such as the Internet of things which is set to dominate the list of most essential ‘things’ connected to the internet in the upcoming years. It is expected that by 2030, due to the digitization of the automobile industry, the car would be transformed into a ‘Mobility-as-a-Service’ which would be an essential element of connected living.

Case Study

The Client:

Our client Indian Car Broker specializes in providing cheap new car deals guaranteeing that its customers get the top new car deal possible. Indian Car Broker is qualitatively experienced to customize the car leasing package to suit the requirements of its clients and is also effectively equipped to deal with part exchanges. Primarily all new cars are available on contract hire, personal contract hire, personal contract purchase and standard hire purchase at competitive prices.

Business Requirement

It is noted that online car brokerage is increasingly and highly competitive. The client required to maintain high visibility in organic Google rankings to stay ahead of competitors. Indian Car Broker wishes to increase qualified page traffic and sales through informed SEO service techniques. Then with link popularity measuring and not permitting the marketing costs to skyrocket.

High Challenge

When Indian Car Broker turned to us for its SEO, online marketing and site promotions, their website was un-optimized and the keywords were not well targeted. Also the Social Media Marketing tactics like Article or Blog Marketing, Social Bookmarking or Forum Postings were wholly missing. Tough competition for car websites in Indian posed a tremendous challenge in itself. Apart from this familiar keywords or key phrases associated with cars are enormously highly competitive and getting them rank higher is difficult task.

Accurate Solution

To make its SEO and online marketing optimally efficient, Indian Car Broker gave project to improve their business. We conducted a comprehensive keyword analysis and research targeting on keyword effectiveness index [KEI] to accurately measure the Keyword competitiveness for our target keywords and key phrases pertaining to the online car brokerage business. Primarily the backlinks and instances of the website were reviewed. Our other On-Page Optimization tactics included title optimization; Meta tags optimization, important html tags optimization, keywords optimization, link optimization, image optimization, etc.

To actively boost and complement our On-Page efforts with Off-Page promotions, we therefore launched an aggressive link building campaign. We also submitted the client’s website link to social bookmarking sites that are effectively indexed and attributed ‘Do Follow’. We also made quality Directory Submissions. We submitted the Indian Car Broker website to human edited directory which necessitates focused attention and persistent action to get approval. Also we posted articles and blog comments to enable our clients with great visitor inflow to boost their link popularity.

Also it was closely monitored and frequently reviews the Keyword rankings to make necessary amendments and thereby maintain the competitive edge.

Effective Results

Not only helped Indian Car Broker rank higher in SERP, but also greatly improved the inflow of targeted traffic.

Our Service Offerings

  • Branding Strategy
  • Website Design
  • Social Medial  Accounts
  • Corporate Brochure
  • Product Catalogs
  • Directory Submission
  • Google Business Listing
  • Keyword Targetting
  • Link Building
  • Blog Post
  • Video Blogs
  • News and Press Release

We are ready to help you

If you have plans to kick start your Automotive digital marketing activities, you can get in touch with our GegoSoft digital marketing experts.

Useful Resources

Popularly Searched For: Digital Marketing for car broker agencies, Digital Marketing For a car dealership, Production Management, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for design, development, manufacture marketing, selling of motor vehicles, Digital Marketing for automobile repair shops, Products and services, Digital Marketing for Car showrooms. 

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