SEO Organic Traffic Increased in Sports and Athletics Sector

The client:

Our Client approached us for assistance with SEO. Despite the firm’s success and growing sales in a competitive marketplace, they were struggling to bring increased organic traffic in for the Sports & Athletics sector.

The Problem:

When the SEO service campaign started the client had 2 goals:

  • To rank for a specific set of keywords and increase organic traffic related to specific teams for Sports & Athletics
  • To actively increase organic traffic overall across their site, assisting them to showcase more events

The Solution:

Primarily we professionally made particular technical improvements to their website. We offered a plan to develop pages to target the high volume terms and other pages to catch long tail searches.

We also developed high quality content for their blog and obtained links in order to exposure relevant websites & partners.

Our success was wholly dependent on good quality content and link acquisition

Below are some SEO techniques that helped with massive success:

In depth Market Analysis:

There was in depth analysis of the search landscape was adequately prepared for each major keyword which we were strongly focusing on. It gave us key details on our SERP competition and enough data to offer a valid indication on what would be required to perform above the competition for each keyword/topic.

Activity on Site Performance:

It is currently noted that Google wants to ensure that your site is technically sound with optimal speed performance. The technical issues namely as hierarchy, indexation and site speed & performance was improved.

Quality Content Planning:

Our professional team revamped the entire blog with good quality contents. We offered in-depth content plans from ideas for unique content topics, to links to related sources for writers to read up on, keywords we like to connect to the content, sub-title ideas and more. It was also cleaned up the blog from a design and usability perspective, controlling the content wholly from research through to publication.

The Best Result:

The best result saw increase in organic traffic and also dramatic increase of sales.

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