Everything You Need To Know About SEO Metrics

by | Aug 26, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

It is always good that measuring your website’s performance for improving it. There are various methods like tracking conversions, clicks, traffic, and much more, you can get quality insights into what can make your website more familiar you need to know about SEO Metrics.

Important SEO metrics that you must track – GegoSoft SEO Services

Organic Traffic

It is one of the most crucial SEO metrics. They are the exact traffic where your website gets by appearing on SERPs. You have two ways in which you should measure your organic traffic:

Landing Pages

Organic traffic for any website is perfectly calculated across all kinds of pages, comprising landing pages, pillar pages, and much more. You must comprehensively track the organic traffic on each landing page. Tracking can assist you in figuring out which of your pages need more work to rank higher.

Moreover tracking organic traffic by landing page can actually assist you identify which SEO Metrics strategies are generating better results for your website and which ones are primarily performing poorly.


SEO strategies are professionally built to generate traffic from a particular geographical location, it’s important to identify the source of the organic traffic. The important thing you should do is track your website’s organic traffic by actively filtering the country region. This would give you valuable insights as to which country most of your organic traffic is coming from.

Click-through Rate

CTR is a metric that primarily assists you in finding the average percentage of users who are clicking on any of your links in the SERPs. This stat is qualitative in determining if your content is appealing and doing its job in encouraging users to visit your pages. You should check your CTR by the top keywords in your domain. If you see that particular keywords or search terms are getting your web pages the most clicks, you know which pages you must optimize for those terms.

Core Web Vitals

It is enumerated that the core web vitals report assists Google in sizing up the performance of your website. Moreover Google uses RankBrain, its AI-based algorithm that adeptly measures metrics like page speed, performance, time spent on the website, and much more. It assists the search engine in analyzing how well the users are interacting with your website.

Bounce Rate

We understand that Bounce rate is the actual percentage of people bouncing or leaving your website after minimal interaction or only viewing a single page. So thereby the lower your bounce rate is, the better your website’s ranking would be. One best way to approach this is checking the bounce rate of landing pages and identifying which ones have a higher bounce rate.

Conversion Rate

You must actually convert the visitors into customers. This is one should keep a track of your conversion rate to view how well your content and marketing strategies are working.

One can keep an eye on the aggregate conversion rate gained from the organic traffic. This will assist you in figuring out what other segments of your website are really boosting or reducing the conversion rates.

The factors you should consider when analyzing conversion rates:

  • Location
  • Devices
  • Landing Pages

Top Exit Pages

We know that exit pages might be the ones that can be the root problem with your websites. There are the final pages that users visit before they actually close your website.

To find out the top exit pages on your website can assist you in understanding which pages are causing the visitors to lose interest in your website. Thereby finding out the top exit pages can help assist you in reducing your website’s bounce rates.

Index Pages

It is enumerated that your web pages won’t appear on SERPs if they are not indexed by search engines. That is why you must regularly check on GSC which pages of your website have been submitted to Google and which ones have been actually indexed. In case if any of your web pages are taking too long to be indexed, one can manually submit those pages to Google from the GSC to accelerate the process of improving your SEO ranking.

Page Speed

By effectively using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insight, one can conveniently track the ratings of your landing pages. The tool perfectly assigns a rating to each of your pages and also recommends ways in which you can optimize their loading speed.  Keep Eye on two metrics given below.

  • Time to First Byte – Primarily the amount of time it takes the browser to receive and process the first byte of your website
  • Page Load Time – Generally the total amount of time it takes your webpage to load and display its full content

Domain Authority

Domain Authority is a logarithmic scale that is perfectly calculated by considering several factors like high-quality backlinks, content quality, references, and much more. Moreover the higher your DA, the more Google will trust your website.

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